Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Engineering - Dating Lifecyle

So its been nearly a year of singlehood and the dating continues. Through it, I've gained new perspectives on what Singaporean women are like and what they think of men, romance, life and love in general. I would be totally narcissistic if I were to try and generalize them into TEN individual points (like all the other women magazines out there) so instead I'll just list them down as they come to mind.

1. Men - the simple man gets married, the rest have hangups and never managed to get around them. Once they do, they get married.

Men, despite what other women magazines say, are NOT simple. Don't be fooled ladies. Unsuspectingly, men do have life's teething problems to contend with and issues that gnaw at their consciousness everyday. It was a surprise to me when Isabella asked, "You mean men deep-dived and analyzed relationships too?" after telling her about a chat I had with Tom. In an attempt to express the reason why I haven't started pursuing any of the girls that I've been out with, Tom in the most succinct yet subtle and rhetorical manner asked, "Could it possibly be that you have hang-ups dude?". He followed up with a story of how he found pictures of his dad's ex-girlfriends and casually mentioned that, "You know, maybe its ok to have hang-ups yet move on in life. The thoughts of whatifs will be in our mind and be part of our makeup but it will slowly quieten down and life goes on."

2 - Most men don't know how to treat a lady. The ones that do are dubbed "Players"

Now this is the most interesting conundrum I've ever heard. Truth be told, I do date women and enjoy their company. But honest to god, i treat them nice, send them home and at the very most give them a goodnight hug. In my mind, everyone needs a hug once in awhile. And for that, some girls say I'm a PLAYER! For goodness sake, I'm a man. I enjoy a woman's company (because I'm heterosexual) and I respect them as they should be respected when I'm with them. Why in the world would I be a player for doing what's expected as a gentleman. Its just crazy. Does that mean women would rather not be treated well? It would be great if somebody can give me an insight to this negative term. But in any case I digress. For the men who are reading this, women are easy to please (well most of them). Things to think about on a date is as follows,

a. If you can, pick them up. They will be more comfortable and will likely feel more at ease around you.

b. Remember that if she's wearing heels, she does not like to walk on uneven ground. To remind yourself on how difficult it is to walk on those damn things, try wearing heels at home and see if you like it. If the answer is yes, you're probably a woman stuck in a man's body. Else, like me, you'll probably be bewildered as to why women subject themselves to this instrument of pain and potential ankle injuries.

c. When you think of a place to dine, (and please think of a place that is cozy and book a reservation. Its not hard. Its only a phone call) decide if you want to do alfresco or in the safe respite of an air-con dining area. Women do not like to be hot and sticky most of the time (that's because they will start looking somewhat unattractive with oil on their face). They also do not appreciate being in a freezer. So, for best effect, make sure you've checked out the place you're going to bring her (but don't tell her that you've been there before so that its an experience that you both can share together, well in her mind at least)

d. Try not to do the movies and dinner thing. Its just too cliched! Even if you have to go for a movie, choose an interesting one and not some unpleasant film. When in doubt, go for the feel good movies (which is why women love romantic comedies, because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside)

e. Be a gentleman. Women appreciate you opening doors for them more than you know but sometimes, extra enthusiasm could definitely make you look like a weirdo (if you're lucky, she'll think you're so sweet and then treat you like a good little boy after that i.e. you're niceeeee. Trust me, you don't want nice. Read previous article for why that is so). Depending on where you are dating, pulling out chairs can be unnecessary but sending her home is VERY much mandatory.

f. Ok. I'll stop here because there is too much to cover for dos and donts in a date which would be better served if i wrote it in the next article.

3 - Women thinks its all down to FATE.

They want a relationship (and some might even admit that they want sex - very unlikely scenario though), they want the sort of man that will get them excited. BUT they are willing to put it down to fate and the off chance that he will suddenly notice the girl of his dreams as she walks past him.

I'll tell you a few things that does not make sense in this scenario. One, FATE is BULL. Didn't you watch the Terminator. Sarah Connor has got it down to pat. FATE is what we make. So make it happen. You don't meet people, you don't try to connect and you're aloof. And suddenly you think someone will try their darndest to get your attention? Hitch said it best when he said, "Sometimes women need to get out of their own damn way so that the right guy can be there for her!"

Also, don't you think that if a guy who goes ga-ga for a girl after seeing her for the very first time is a bit of creepy? Like most girls I know, they will just ignore his advances because he's just not cool. Macbeth had it all wrong. To chase or not to chase is the question.

4 - HELP him HELP you

Now lots of times, there is a disconnect between the communication lines of men and women. Its like being at the front lines of a battle (not that I know what that's like) and trying to communicate to your other soldiers by sign language. Only the same signs means different things to 2 people. I can just imagine a massacre waiting to happen.

Men engineer situations in which they can communicate their interest. Unfortunately, sometimes, unlike what UOB's Ladies Credit Card advert says, "The women don't get it", not the men. Case in point, men asks girl for dinner. Women turns him down because she has to go out with her bff. Ok - hold on here. You just turned down fate at play here (since singaporean women likes to incite fate). I say you need to test the goods before you say no. I mean its free anyways. So why not, give him a chance. Your BFF will still be there later on. She's a BFF he first place right. What are BFFs for if they can't understand that you might be interested to find out about this guy. In a man's world, its understood that if your dude blows off drinks, its probably because he wants to date this chick he's been eyeing. So everything's cool.

Ok. Its getting late so shall stop here. Obviously as you can tell, my article is men centric because as you already guessed it, I am one. Apologies to all the women who find any of this article insulting or hurtful to a women's ego (which is supposedly smaller than a man) but I guess sometimes we humans can't handle the truth very well. In any case, I'm just speaking from experiences I've had so obviously my article is purely made up of anecdotal evidence.

In most cases where people have fallen in love with each other, yes I do agree it starts off by a guy noticing you in the hallway/office/bar. After that, guys need to engineer a situation where you will most likely notice them because let's face it, not all guys look like Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise/Brazilian models. So given that he doesn't have his mouth hanging out from his nose, he also needs to part of your little world until you're ready to accept him.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Dating in the City

So after breaking up with my girlfriend of the past 3 years (out of which I was in and out of that relationship..coz I did love her so), I started my turbulent adventure into the Singapore dating scene and so far it has been FARKING difficult.

The first few dates started out with girls that I met through an old primary school friend, Ginny. It was great that I was at least meeting some girls than none. Unfortunately, none that I was attracted to. They were all rather NICE.

Thereby the PROBLEM! I had enough of niceties. I do niceties every freaking day in the office. I want interesting, creative, quirky and most of all FUN!...I might be generalizing here, but to put the average Singaporean girl in the same context as fun is to call your mom HOT. It is a rather squirmish feeling that makes you regret saying it afterwards. Coincidentally, I've had numerous other men from other nationalities who have concurred with my judgement. If one person can be wrong, can 10 other guys be wrong if they are all saying the same things?

Now the Singaporean women out there will definitely say the same things about Singaporean men and I can honestly say that I agree with them. Most Singaporean men are not FUN. That's like saying Singaporean men have a well known characteristic. NO WE DO NOT. Singaporean men can only be proud that they are realistic albeit prudish men. They are somewhat honest but totally lacking in creativity, out-of-this world skills outside of being reliable and responsible. Well some-what responsible. This stems from the fact that we are bound by the limited land space that we have and the uniformity of the SYSTEM that has been socially constructed by the government in order to create a society suited for non-extremism. Unfortunately extremism is the key to creating a diversity which will in the end add some character to a Singaporean man, in the same way adversity creates character.

So back to the dating scene.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Peace....for the moment

.............29 years old...a whole life in front of her...yet she is dead...working hard for the money...exchanging her life for the riches the world has to offer. Appreciated? Non....Cared for?...Nope....Valued?....Nien... "Its a business transaction. You give your life and in exchange they give you money...." For her, it literally came true.

Never. I will never exchange my life for something as insignificant as that. The material goods in life can never take the place of the experiences that life has to offer. Sadness...sadness that the country, in its drive to succeed, a money whore so to speak, survival of its people they say..HAS LOST ITS SOUL...

Let me out of this prison, a prison for the mind, the spirit, and a prison of life.

Saturday, January 13, 2007



Its funny how conversations can skew to a certain direction and lead you to a conclusion which you never expect. People express their inner most feelings and thoughts through words and I guess the conversations are the result of it all. I had one such conversation yesterday. It started to be an appraisal of sorts about ended with me without a relationship with the person I love anymore. I guess its for the best.....deep in me I know its for the best.....I do feel sad, alone, but I can't say that I've never felt this way before even when I was in a relationship. I guess I'M DONE. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.....Throw me the bottle and the cigarettes coz I need to go through a path of self-destruction...DRINKS ON ME ANYONE....2007. Its gonna be a fucked up year.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


This post had to be written. The voices in my head are becoming deafening. Love life, career, religion, family, finances, friends, foes, office politics, fake friends, wannabes, future, property, business, investments - my word, there are a lot topics floating around in my head. Love life-sucks as usual - unhappiness, bitterness, anger, oblivious, resignation. Why do two people who have no idea of what to do with a relationship stay together?....Bad idea? or Blind faith? Religion continues to be as mind boggling as ever. Do this, no don't do that, no that's bad, that's good...Family-seems alright...Friends? Do I have any?Foes-I am indifferent to them, office politics-STUPID!Wannabes-shut your trap till you prove you have what it takes, Future?????property-none as yet, business-I'm brainstorming on a couple of ideas but none of the quick rich types, finances-very very low and investments-boy I hope they are making money, else I am just one of those suckers who think they can beat the poverty trap through sophisticated financial solutions. Who ever thought of calling them solutions anyways....Genius...coz he lied to so many but made them believe.Career.

I'm looking around for options. Besides the fact that everytime I step into the office I feel like killing myself and shouting at the gaffer for being an ignorant brat, I have come to face the fact that there is no way in hell or heaven, can I last a couple more months with someone who lacks humility, who potrays an image of self-righteousness, who is loud in an attention seeking sort of way and whose subordinates are beginning to see that he/she might not be all that. I think if that feeling is some clue of what I should be doing I bloody well should heed my own advice.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Who the fuck cares

Its hard to put in words emotions that you feel at certain points in your life. You know its happening to you because you feel it. But you just can't describe it. This is not one of those times.I FEEL FUCKING DEAD. My entire consciousness and sub-consciousness feels dead. I think I'm overwhelmed by the thoughts in my head that just refuses to dissapear....Can it be that in a relationship one feels overwhelmed by the other? Well.. that question sums up my whole attitude of the woman in front of me. While she blabbers on about her life and its ongoings, the only thought that registers in my head is WHO THE FUCK CARES?...but at the same time I'm thinking, I shouldn't really care coz its not my life. So why is it that its important to me that she takes notice of my opinions?...I dismiss I said before WHO THE FUCK CARES?Is it strange that you would like someone but at the same time feel as though you don't at certain points of your relationship?

Anyways, enough about relationships.On the topic of my career, I am SERIOUSLY GETTING FUCKING BORED. I gotta get out.. i gotta get out.. i gotta get out...i gotta get out. Everyday in the office doing the same ole data entry bullshit is sucking my life away. i gotta get out. I don't really care for much about trying to achieve efficiency, service-orientedness blah blah blah bullshit blah blah blah blah and blah....ok maybe I do. But the point is I AM FUCKING BORED. Come'on man, throw me a lifeline here. I need to do something more than just babysitting people. I mean, I ain't from the Babysitter club. I'm in this to learn more about the business. I AM FUCKING BORED coz while the boss goes galavanting doing this and doing that, I'm stuck at home babysitting. FUCK THAT. Man, if i didn't need the money badly, I would definitely quit by now. FUCK FUCK FUCK. FUCK life and its obligations. I hope i didn't miss the boat.

Ok dudes who are reading this (only one I can think of) if you know of any opportunities where I might be able to get out of this hell hole, give me a shout. I definitely do not want to be stuck in this twilight zone of a place. I missed the boat once....never again.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The happy ending that I wished for out of my whirlwind romance looks to be deteriorating fast. It was inevitable I guess. She had never totally commit to the idea of us thus any stumbling block in our path becomes a step too far to take in our relationship. The weird thing is, I'm ok with it. I think its time to stop playing games. I think I've given her all I've got - "Hello girl, this is me" - like me for who I am or don't even bother. I've gotten too old to change (plus the fact that I like what I've become). I'm sick and tired of explaining my actions while she sits high on a pedestal of management stature. Its amazing to see how some forget that they are humans who make mistakes as well. Look in the mirror I'd say. Sigh....Its a feeling of resignation, resignation to things that will become.